On the podium: Cities assuming the responsibility

One of the organisers gave me information for my research on announcing the congress on food system change. During the conversation, I offered to introduce practitioners from Austria to the programme of the congress and was asked to participate in the discussion on the digital podium – to bring in my different perspectives: the urban planning perspective and the initiative perspective, as a member of community supported agriculture and MILA Mitmach Supermarkt – a participatory supermarket, to discuss how cities (can) support and what is (still) needed.

It was a fine exchange on 24th of March at Session 6 – Cities assuming responsibility of food production.

The main outcome of the congress is the “Closing Declaration of the Food System Change Online Congress”, which contains 28 demands: They are addressed to policy makers at local, national and EU level. The declaration was signed by more than 100 organisations and individuals from all over the world.

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